Who is Sanaya? Suzanne Giesemann answers:

Who is Sanaya? Suzanne Giesemann answers: "Sanaya (pronounced "sah-NIGH-ah") has told us that she is a collective consciousness of minds with both a feminine and masculine energy. This energy comes from a higher dimension than our own. When I bring through Sanaya's words, I am "tapping in" to Higher Consciousness. I am allowing that Consciousness to express itself through my body: through my brain, through my vocal cords, my arms, my hands, and also through my pen. Sanaya would not need a name, except for our human need to put labels on things and place our experiences into well-defined boxes. Sanaya takes us outside the box into a dimension where we come face to face with our higher selves. To hear the words of Sanaya as they come through ... to sit in the presence of that energy ... is a palpable experience of higher vibration ... of love. To read Sanaya's words can have the same result when you tune in to that finer energy as you read." (To read the full explanation of who and what Sanaya is along with transcripts of longer sessions click here.)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Poem #398 - What You Do Best

Note from Suzanne: This poem came to me as have all the others—non-stop, in less than five minutes, with eyes closed as I simply listened. For the first 369 poems, visit www.MessagesOfHopePoems.org. You can search by topic by using the search block under my picture.

Share your talents with the world
In this way you do heal
The pain that others suffer
As God’s gifts you do reveal.

Each one is given gifts
Which they are meant to share
And they can help to heal the world
If share them they do dare.

What talents were you given?
What is it you do best?
In what way can you thus serve well
By sharing with the rest?

It’s where you find your passion
That true service you can give.
For in this way you blossom
And help others best to live.

So search inside for your true skills
The ones that make you sing.
If used then to enhance your world
True peace and love you’ll bring.


  1. We each have special talents to use in this lifetime, and we are directed through this lovely meditative poem to use them for Good. Thank you, Sanaya, for this powerful reminder.

    On to being the Love in our world today...

  2. A wonderful reminder that we should use our true talents to generate abundance and love.....

    "It's where you find your passion that true service you can give".

  3. Sanaya's poetry (word pictures) reminds me of a quotation from Einstein that, although long, is pertinent: "A human being is part of the whole, called by us 'universe', a part limited in time and space. He (she) experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest -- a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." Sanaya's daily wisdom and poetry helps us to break out of that "prison" and use our TALENTS to the glory of God!
