Who is Sanaya? Suzanne Giesemann answers:

Who is Sanaya? Suzanne Giesemann answers: "Sanaya (pronounced "sah-NIGH-ah") has told us that she is a collective consciousness of minds with both a feminine and masculine energy. This energy comes from a higher dimension than our own. When I bring through Sanaya's words, I am "tapping in" to Higher Consciousness. I am allowing that Consciousness to express itself through my body: through my brain, through my vocal cords, my arms, my hands, and also through my pen. Sanaya would not need a name, except for our human need to put labels on things and place our experiences into well-defined boxes. Sanaya takes us outside the box into a dimension where we come face to face with our higher selves. To hear the words of Sanaya as they come through ... to sit in the presence of that energy ... is a palpable experience of higher vibration ... of love. To read Sanaya's words can have the same result when you tune in to that finer energy as you read." (To read the full explanation of who and what Sanaya is along with transcripts of longer sessions click here.)

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Note from Suzanne:  It's great to be home with my mom!  Several people have contacted me confused about the date of the session with Sanaya at Unity of the Villages.  It is this SUNDAY, August 3rd, at 7 PM.  Looking forward to the hugs! xxoo


"Don't push it." When have you heard that phrase?  When you have in your mind how things should be done and you proceed to do so against the advice or wishes of others.  The result is often the same as pushing on a wall.  You get nowhere, or the wall topples and leaves behind much rubble.  Who is it that is telling you not to push things?  Often it is another human being, but not always.  Many times it is the still, small voice inside of you that may not even speak in words.  It speaks through your body, resulting in a twisting of sorts of the stomach or tension in the muscles.  Pay attention to these signs.  They are doing you a favor, but what do you do?  You push anyway.  This is the human way.  Ah, yes, this is one of the ways in which you learn, and you call it "the hard way."  When the twisting of the stomach or a helpful friend tells you not to push, stop and ask yourself why you insist on doing so.  The soft way inevitably involves fewer hard-earned lessons.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

In Recognition

New friends.  New beginnings.  Do you realize that each person who comes into your life is a gift?  There are no coincidences.  Why did you meet that person?  What do they have to teach you, and you them?  Even a passing stranger comes bearing gifts if you will open your eyes.  But no, you avert your eyes and you miss the gift of connection.  Gifts are all around you in the form of people, animals, flowers, trees, mountains.  Need we go on?  You are connected to all that is, but it is your fellow human travelers who offer you the greatest gifts.  Do not let them pass by without acknowledgment.  Look them in the eyes and send them a silent greeting or one voiced aloud.  It matters not to the soul.  Within there is always recognition.  Bring that recognition to the surface and the connections will astound you.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


You pay attention to every little ache and pain, do you not?  In most cases you take action to make the pain go away.  In some cases you put a band aid on it, but you do not get to the root cause.  We wish to tell you today that you do the same thing with your emotions more often than you are aware.  And that is the problem.  You can ignore your emotions and remain unaware of them until they come back to bite you, as you are wont to say.  Painful emotions can be just as powerful of a symptom as a bleeding wound, yet you can ignore these or simply push them down and refuse treatment.  Oh, but they will come back up again,  we assure you, and often in the most unfortunate ways. 

Do you not realize that painful emotions are doing you a favor?  They are there to show you a wound that needs healing.  When you ignore them, the wound festers and grows.  How do you treat a painful emotion, then?  You thank it for showing you that something is wrong.  Then you ask it what it has to teach you.  Then you listen carefully and ask for certainty to make sure you are not just putting a band aid on the issue.  Then you work to heal the root cause.  Yes, get to the bottom of that wound and clean it out well.  When you have done your work, thank the pain again and release it.  Self-healing.  It is a powerful tool in your arsenal to raise your consciousness and bring more joy into your life.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Standing Back Up

When you least expect it, trouble comes.  It falls on your shoulders like a weight and you either bend or crumble.  How to get up?  First, understand that surprises often drop you to your knees.  That is simply the initial reaction.  Now you face a choice, as you always do from moment to moment to moment.  How will you respond?  Will you stand back up, albeit on shaky legs, or will you lie down and let the weight suffocate you?  The only reason you do not get back up is because you cannot see another way.  Move the pain away from your eyes.  Dust off your heart.  Allow in the knowledge that you are never given more than you can handle.  Then why are you given these troubles?  Ups and downs are a natural consequence of life in the world of duality.  This is how you learn.  This is why you exist in this reality, for you have things to learn, experiences to get through or to fly through.  Rise above the pain until you regain the strength to move past it.  Most of all, remember that you are never alone.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

What's Your Excuse?

Excuses ... what are they covering up?  Had you any idea how often you believe your own stories, you could make some beneficial changes in your life.  Do you say, "Oh, but I don't do this or that!"  Now ask yourself why it is that you do not?  You have made up a story in your mind and you follow that story to the letter.  But what if your story were different?  Then the results would change.  Perhaps there is a bit of fear behind your story.   Perhaps you are afraid to test your own power?  Perhaps you have simply learned a way of being from another being and have not tested a new way of being.  Listen to your thoughts today.  Dig out the ones that hold you back and examine them under a microscope, as you say.  You may find some germs running around there in your personal petri dish that have no place in this science experiment you call “human life.”  Excuses be gone.  It is time to truly live.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

In Moderation

Potato chips ... you cannot eat just one ... and so it is with anything that brings you pleasure.  Pleasure is addictive.  You want more and more and more.  But you are in the land of duality, where pleasure is matched with its opposite, and you run from the extremes.  So sit in the middle as often as you can and enjoy the peace of not swinging back and forth so wildly.  Moderation: that is the key.  It leads to balance, right there in the middle of the pendulum.  Why eat just one potato chip when they taste so good?  But why eat one hundred?  At a certain point they no longer taste so good and you do not feel so good either, do you?  Be mindful of the tipping point in all that you do and life will be far more enjoyable.

Wolf's Message is Available!

Note from Suzanne:  My newest book, Wolf's Message, has launched in digital format (print version to be published in about two weeks)!  To see a trailer about the book, click here.  To order online, click here.  Please note that you do not need to own a Kindle reader to read the Kindle version.   You can download the FREE KINDLE APP for iPad/tablet, smart phone, or PC.  I hope you enjoy this amazing story and that it leads to greater peace, tranquility, and love in your life.  With love and gratitude to Wolf and all involved in making this book a reality ... Suzanne

Friday, July 25, 2014


It is all about teamwork.  Yes, you can do it all by yourself, but how much easier things flow when you cooperate and collaborate.  You are given relationships for a reason.  Use them.  Now, as you read these words, understand that your relationships extend beyond the physical world.  You all have helpers in the unseen realms.  How often do you call upon them for help?  You do not believe in our presence?  They why do you pray?  Who do you think answers your prayers?  It is not a separate being apart from you.  All that exists is connected.  Your prayers set up a vibration that knits together strands in the web of your life, bringing to you just the right beings in the physical world and the unseen world  who can help you.  This is cooperation.  This is collaboration.  You do not "go it alone."  You could not, for you are never alone.  No man is an island.  Use your relationships to make your life easier.  Call on your helpers to ease your way, for this is how it works at the end of the day.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

In Gratitude

Gratitude is a gift you give yourself.  Each time you are aware that an experience or a possession brings you joy or more love into your life, you benefit.  How often do you experience gratitude?  If not at regular moments throughout your day, then you are cheating yourself, depriving yourself of growth.  Do you see the cup as half empty?  Do you entertain the false belief that you have nothing to be thankful for?  Allow us to give you a gift.  Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.  Feel gratitude for those breaths.  They give you the experience of life.  You feel no gratitude for this life?  Stay with us and travel with your mind to the area of your heart.  Focus there.  Now go back to the moment of your birth.  Sit in this memory.  It is still with you.  All of the experiences of your life are in your energy field.  At that moment of your birth you had not yet taken on any of the false beliefs that humans tend to.  Be as the child for as long as it takes to remember how very loved you are, how very worthy, how very perfect, just as you are.  Feel gratitude for the perfect soul who is you.  Feel gratitude for how very much you are loved.  Repeat this process until the many things for which you can feel grateful grow and multiply, and then send the resultant love outward to those who have yet to learn these lessons.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

No Place Like Home

When in a foreign land, everything feels foreign for a reason.  You will notice that we have used the word "feels."  This is so because the energy is foreign to your field.  You have created a field of energy around yourself that you call an aura.  It has always been with you, but you have molded and shaped it by your thoughts, actions, and experiences.  When you step into a new place that has its own energy, the different vibrations are registered and felt like foreign visitors into your house.

This is why it takes a while for you to adjust to a new house or to new visitors in your own house.  Everything is energy.  This is how you interpret your world.  You think that you are seeing things and hearing things and touching things, when, in fact, all are just different vibrations felt first and foremost by your own unique field and then passed along to your brain to interpret in its human way.

Are you out of sorts in a new environment or in a new situation?  Just give it a little time for your field to assimilate the new patterns and adjust.  Why do you think you say, "There's no place like home?"  To you, home is a safe place where you are familiar with the energy and the patterns.  Just remember:  when you are away from home, your true Home lies always within you.  Go there when you do not feel safe or are ill at ease.  Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, focus on the heart, and be at peace.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What Awaits Us All

Note from Suzanne:  Today I am posting a special transmission from Sanaya that is meant to be shared.  I recently corresponded with Kenneth Ring, Ph.D, after he kindly reviewed “Wolf’s Message” and gave it a strong endorsement.  Dr. Ring is the co-founder of IANDS, the International Association for Near Death Studies.  He is the author of Lessons from the Light, and Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Connecticut.  He asked me what those on the other side are doing and what their environment is like.  While on the return flight from speaking at an afterlife conference in Scottsdale, Arizona, last week I received unexpected guidance from Sanaya to open my iPad and start typing.  I wrote non-stop for just over one hour, holding the connection as the words flowed.  The result is the document you will read when you click the link below.  Both Dr. Ring and I were stunned and touched by the information.  The words carry a very high vibration and I feel their message will answer questions that many of you may have about what awaits us all.  I hope the message brings you peace and comfort about the afterlife and gives you a greater sense of purpose about your life here in physical form.  Please forward the link to those you feel would benefit from reading it.  You will find the document here:   

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Heart Test

They tell you, "Watch out for getting a big head," and this is good advice, but only if it gets bigger than your heart.  You are thinking of ego, and we are speaking of thinking and logic.  Set ego aside and simply ride with us a moment .... If your heart were to grow bigger than your head while in human form, you would be out of balance just as if the opposite were the case.  Use logic and thinking as a valuable human tool.  You have these gifts for a reason, but do your best to balance them with loving-kindness and heart-felt compassion.  Give everything the heart test:  "How does it FEEL?"  If you then make decisions which serve the greater good and come from the heart, you will be far ahead of the game.  And then, getting back to ego, your head will not get too big, for you will have balanced your decision with the heart.  Do you see how it all balances out?  This is called win-win.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Wallowing in the Warmth

You spend quite a bit of time in your head, do you not?  It can be quite tiring and frustrating there.  It is also a lonely place.  This is not the place one goes when you want to hang out with friends.  The place of connection is in the heart.  The heart is an open, friendly, inviting place once you get to know it, but the only way to know this is by spending more time there.  It is by training and habit that you hang around the head so much.  Logic, logic, logic.  Does it not get boring after a while?  How about a little adventure?  How about a little warmth?  Travel down south where the climate changes.  There, in the heart it is always warm.  If you disagree, if you think that the heart is a cold place, that is because you are thinking.  The heart is a feeling place.  If you cannot feel the love that is the heart’s innate nature, you have walled off that warm place with the head.  The two are always connected.  To bring some of that warmth upward, tune in to your heart and see how it feels.  The heart has a mind of its own.  Allow it to run the show for a while and you will find your whole life opening up.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

In the Impermanence

Memories are fragile things.  They come and they go and they splinter and fall away as you grasp at them.  They are not the same from one person to the next, are they?  "It did not happen like that," your partner says, and then you argue while others laugh.  What are memories, but tapping into the bank of consciousness that exists at all times.  They are not "stored" in a bank in your head, but in the sea of consciousness, and you retrieve them and then reshape them according to your belief system.  It is the same with future events.  You shape them with your thoughts and beliefs.  The more you do so, the more clearly the pattern takes shape when it is "time" for that future projection to take shape.  All is consciousness, and there is only "now" as you tap into that sea and create.  Enjoy yourself as you do so.  And how do you do that if the creation you have tapped into with others is less than pleasant?  By returning to the place of peace within your heart and rising above the physical dimension to the dimension which allows you to see the impermanence and illusory nature of the physical world. Go there often.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Relax Into the Flow

When you release all expectations, magic happens.  How many times do you expect something to happen, and it does not?  What do you experience then?  Disappointment.  It is the natural outcome of expecting something to occur.  But what if you realized there was a Guiding Hand that always works for the greater good?  What if you knew that you were an inseparable part of that hand--a cell in the body that directs that hand?  Would you try to tell the hand what to do? Would you expect it to do your bidding, little cell?  But what if you realized that together with all the other cells, you would always produce something beautiful?  Could you relax, then, and sit back and say, "Very well, use me."?  We hope you enjoy the analogy and that it brings you peace as you relax and know that life will flow if you allow it to do so.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

With One Caress

Nurture yourself.  Perhaps you received nurturing as a child, perhaps not.  It no longer matters.  You can give yourself a nurturing caress or hug any time you need it.  As you do so, imagine the most loving Force you can imagine surrounding you and filling you.  You are no longer a scared and needy child, although all humans feel that way at times.  It is why you act the way you do.   If all of you realized that you are fully nurtured, fully loved at all times, there would be no needy behavior.  You can pamper yourself in any number of ways, but nurturing begins with the knowledge that you are safe and loved.  We can tell you this a thousand ways, but to truly feel it, put a hand to your cheek and relax your defenses.  Melt into your heart, and repeat after us, "I am loved.  I am cared for.  I am enough. I am cherished beyond words."  If tears come, welcome them.  This is a breakthrough … a breaking down of the false walls you have erected in the false belief that you were ever anything less than Divine.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A Note from Suzanne:  If you're in the area of The Villages/Summerfield, FL on August 3rd I will be doing a session with Sanaya at Unity of The Villages at 7 PM during my mid-summer trip home.  You are welcome to join us!  Please mark your calendars as I will not be putting this event on my official calendar.

Altruistic You

Altruism—a focus on helping others.  Have you noticed that when most people feel a push to change their vocation it involves a bit of altruism?  Why is this?  It is the natural course of the soul’s evolution.  As the soul grows, one moves from a focus on the restricted self to the expanded Self.  This greater Self knows there is not separation, and so the focus becomes, “How can I make the connection between the fragmented aspects of my Self?  How can I bring more love and caring into this world?”  The soul knows that love is the connecting glue that brings the parts back together.  The desire to do so becomes a force that must be satisfied.  Those who act on this desire find that satisfaction through acts of altruism.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

No Words

Actions do, indeed, speak louder than words.  Most of you hear words and launch directly into your human programs.  They activate the left-brain side most associated with logic and the ego.  Actions, however, speak to the right side of the brain associated with feeling.  Your words can say one thing and the body another, and your subconscious mind knows this.  The soul knows this.  So, if you want to give a loved one a most important message and you want them to truly hear it, do so through your actions.  Trust us, they will be noticed.  Perhaps not at the conscious level, but by the soul, where it matters most.  Repeat these actions and eventually your message will make its way to the surface and you will have transformed the situation.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Breaking Through

A breakthrough.  This is what you call it when your abilities in a skill rise to a new level.  What is it that you are breaking through?  An invisible barrier.  It is cause for celebration, like when a racer crosses a finish line and raises his arms as he runs through the tape. 

What invisible barriers lie between you and the next level of learning and growth?  Are you striving for improvement or satisfied with the status quo?  You need not worry if you are doing enough.  The soul will let you know.  Follow its urgings and you are eventually guaranteed a breakthrough—a reward.  It is the inevitable result of the Law of cause and effect.  You truly do reap what you sow.  Continue sowing Love, and continuous breakthroughs await.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

No Bounds

Love has no bounds.  Do you see how healing it is to send out only love?  You do not know of what we speak?  Then simply wait until the next time someone accuses you of something, false or not.  See this as an opportunity to put our words to the test.  Surround yourself and your accuser with love.  Acknowledge their feelings without assigning right or wrong, without accepting blame or not.  Stay above the fray and shine down upon it the Love that is you.  Do this with no sense of superiority or pride, simply the peace and tranquility of knowing you are completely changing the dynamics of the situation.  That is alchemy. 

Love knows no bounds.  It will heal anything and everything.  When you reach the tipping point of human consciousness, you will see this on a grand scale.  In the meantime, practice one on one, for there is actually only One of you in existence.

Saturday, July 12, 2014


“I feel the earth move under my feet” … lyrics to a song you know, and useful for our lesson today.  Normally, you do not feel the earth move, yet in actuality, your earth is rotating quite rapidly.  It appears as if the sun rises and sets, yet scientifically you know this is not so.  It is all an illusion.  Movement is not from here to there.  This is an illusion as well.  Your entire reality is blinking on and off so rapidly that it appears as movement.  You are blinking on and off so rapidly that you appear as solid.  The joke is on all of you, so we advise you not to take yourselves so seriously. 

We are not heartless in saying this.  Quite the contrary.  The true heart of you does not blink on and off or beat one-two, one-two.  It is a steady-state condition.  We speak not of the physical heart, but that innate essence that is You.  Could you feel the earth move beneath your feet, your experience of reality would be completely different.  Could you feel that you are the Love you seek, your life would be transformed.  May you experience an inner earthquake and awaken to who and what you are beyond the illusions.

Friday, July 11, 2014

In Combination

A force to be reckoned with … That is what you are when you fully realize who you are.  You are not just human.  You are a beautiful soul.  With soul awareness, we ask you not to look down upon the human side of you.  The human being is a magnificent creature, capable of greatness.  So, imagine what you are capable of—what depths and heights of love and creativity—when you stand fully in your awareness of both sides of your Self, both human and spirit.  Bring the two awarenesses together and you are the Force in full awareness—a force to be reckoned with, don’t you reckon?

Thursday, July 10, 2014


Yes, you are human and you do human things.  You live in a world of duality to experience the effects of opposites and to learn from them.  So do not berate yourself when you think like a human, when you judge, when you feel anger and other very human traits.  Learn from them.  It is fine to feel dissatisfied when you behave as a human.  This shows that you are aware there is another aspect to the greater You that is naught but love.  With that awareness make higher choices and be grateful for the experience.  Be good to yourself.  Be patient and understanding with the side of you that is human.  Do you see how being human gives you ample opportunities to practice compassion?  Yes, even with yourself.  There is only one mind anyway, which is why your human traits are so very universal.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Power of One Word

“Denial.”  By merely saying the word you set up resistance in your field.  Denial is when the mind says, “That cannot possibly be true!” and so, based on your belief system, that becomes your experience.  Through your very own denial you have placed what energetically acts like a barrier for the creative flow of consciousness.  Ask yourself what you are denying and then extend the byproduct of consciousness and ask yourself what experience you are denying yourself.  Do you see how powerful your thoughts are?  Do you see how powerful a single word can be?  Remove “denial” from your vocabulary and instantly expand your horizons.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Why do you hire a guide in a strange land?  For you acknowledge that there are others who know the way better than you.  With the guide at your side, do you then set out and go wherever you please?  That would be quite foolish, would it not?  So why is it when you realize you are just a visitor in your current reality and that there is an Intelligence greater than your own, you continue to step out blindly and take control?  That is ego, always wanting to be in charge, always making you think you are separate.  There is no weakness in surrender.  On the contrary, it is the wise one who surrenders to a greater Intelligence and says, “Guide me from your greater perspective.  I am only a visitor here.”

Monday, July 7, 2014

Freeing ...

What are you doing with your life?  Are you putting it to good use or merely putting in time?  Do you know that it matters not if you are “doing” and producing?  Are you adding to your soul’s growth?  That is the question.  When you add to one aspect of Consciousness, you add to the Whole.  You cannot “waste time” by simply being.  You need not achieve anything in the human sense.  There is no success or failure if lessons have been learned and you take back a bit more love and awareness than you brought with you or allowed another to do the same.  There.  You may relax now and stop struggling.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Just As You Will Always Be

You are love embodied.  Yes, love is an emotion.  It is something you experience and it is something you give, but it is also what you are.  This is why you know it when you feel it.  It is why you feel out of sorts when you withhold it or express anything less.  Love is your very nature, nothing less.  Do you feel out of balance?  Sit quietly and focus on the heart, the central part of you wherein love resides.  Allow that essential part of you to flow outward, bringing the rest of “you” back into alignment, and then allow it to flow outward into the world, bringing you back into alignment with All That Is.  At times this takes an act of will when you have allowed yourself to become so unbalanced that you do not feel the love, but it is always there, just as you will always be … Love.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Shaping and Molding

There is no end to creativity.  You are all sculptors using the basic clay of Consciousness to create anew in every moment.  It is when you get in a rut and create the same creations day after day and even moment to moment that you stifle your creativity.  Life is a gift.  You have within you the ability to mold your life into something beautiful.  Step back and observe what you have created to this point.  Now, you can either make minor adjustments to your masterpiece here and there or you can start anew.  Do you see the power you have, not just in your hands but in your mind?  Add in the heart to your creations and a thing of beauty will always be the result.

Friday, July 4, 2014

True Heroism

Heroes come in many forms.  You think of your heroes as those who do something courageous for another or one who goes above and beyond.  When has someone done such a thing for you?  But when have you done the same for another?  You are all heroes in your own way.  With the mere intention of helping another, of bringing greater peace and love to another’s life, you paint a giant S upon your chest like the caped crusader.  You are a Superhero and do not yet realize it.  It is not the S of Superman you wear upon your chest, however, but of Spirit.  Now, how will you serve Spirit and be a hero to someone else today?

Thursday, July 3, 2014


“Without you I am nothing.”  Have you ever said this to another?  Then this other somehow made you feel whole and complete.  And what if that one departs from your life?  Does that mean you are no longer whole?  You may feel this way, but that is only the false perception of being human.  As a human, when you remain in this mind-set, you are correct.  You are incomplete.  How do you become whole?  By realizing that you are a spirit-being.  You are a “spirit being human.”  When you are feeling incomplete, shift your awareness to the part of you that is always with you, the basic essence of your Greater Self, which is of Spirit.  Align the human with the Spirit and then you experience a love and completeness far greater than that of coupling with another human being.  Realize who and what you are and step into the fullness of your magnificence.  You are whole and complete now.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

There is a Reason

And the question has been given:  Why do some people face more pain than others?  And the answer is that these souls are the bravest of the brave.  Before stepping into their earthly bodies they have agreed to face challenges.  They do so knowing that overcoming these challenges will help to raise the consciousness of the whole.  Not only will their soul advance at a greater pace, but so will the souls of others around them.  Yes, it is true that not all those who suffer will awaken and remember the agreement and see the purpose, but those who do become the greatest teachers and the brightest lights.  They need not stand before large crowds and teach in a literal sense.  There are many ways to be a teacher.  Trust us that upon their return Home they are celebrated and appreciated with much gratitude.  May these words help those who suffer to love and appreciate their sacrifices at a (w)holy new level.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


How easily your mind is distracted!  Even when you set a goal of focusing on one thing it wanders off in another direction like an unruly child.  We highly recommend patience and training.  Just as with a child, you must set a goal and train the mind to achieve it.  Why do you want to go to the effort?  Ego has been in charge of your mind for quite a while.  Spirit would like to play a greater role.  Beneath all of the chatter in the brain and beyond the constant drifting off lies a place of peace and love.  The better trained you are at finding that place and holding that state, the longer you can remain there.  Meditation is the training ground.  Who is really in charge here?  Finding the answer is a matter of perception and practice.