Get yourself out of the way when you are having difficulties accomplishing a task. It is the ego which causes blockages. Always remind yourself, "I by myself do nothing. I as a part of the Greater Self have limitless power." Take less credit for your accomplishments and give credit where it is due—to the Higher Intelligence which flows through you at all times. It is God, Spirit, the Divine Mind which animates you. That is where your power comes from. Surrender to this power and see your personal power increase.
Let not your heart be troubled when things do not go your way. Surrender and ask to be guided. Then, sit back and relax without worry. Take action as you are guided, but now it is without effort. There is never a need to struggle. Struggle is merely a sign that you are allowing ego over Spirit to be in control. You already know the outcome when this is so. You may not always know the outcome when you allow God to run the show, but you can trust that it will be Divine.
Awaken...surrender...let go of ego, and know that all is in perfect order. We are never alone. Listen to the voices within for guidance, and give thanks.
ReplyDeleteSpirit is limitless, and we are spirit.
On to being the Love in our world today...