Would you like to be an instrument of God? Which one?
There are many choices. You can
be a tuba and play loudly, or a delicate flute and play soft and sweet. You can be a trumpet and blare your message
so that all pay attention. In each case,
as the instrument, you need do nothing but allow yourself to be played.
Look at all of the instruments around you. They may play a different tune, but the
Source of their sound is the same. Can
you see that? When you come to know this
Source and surrender to it, and allow yourself to be played, then the sound you
produce is perfectly in tune with the Sound of creation.
If you experience dissonance in those around you—some flat
or sharp notes—now you know why. Seek to
play in tune with the other instruments in your band of brothers and sisters
who are most perfectly in tune, of course.
But none of you will be perfectly tuned until you match your pitch with
the One who plays every instrument in the band.
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