Who is Sanaya? Suzanne Giesemann answers:

Who is Sanaya? Suzanne Giesemann answers: "Sanaya (pronounced "sah-NIGH-ah") has told us that she is a collective consciousness of minds with both a feminine and masculine energy. This energy comes from a higher dimension than our own. When I bring through Sanaya's words, I am "tapping in" to Higher Consciousness. I am allowing that Consciousness to express itself through my body: through my brain, through my vocal cords, my arms, my hands, and also through my pen. Sanaya would not need a name, except for our human need to put labels on things and place our experiences into well-defined boxes. Sanaya takes us outside the box into a dimension where we come face to face with our higher selves. To hear the words of Sanaya as they come through ... to sit in the presence of that energy ... is a palpable experience of higher vibration ... of love. To read Sanaya's words can have the same result when you tune in to that finer energy as you read." (To read the full explanation of who and what Sanaya is along with transcripts of longer sessions click here.)

Friday, December 31, 2010

Celebrate Truth

Wine serves a purpose. It pleases the palate when imbibed in moderation, but when too much is taken in, it does dull the very senses you aimed to please. Many bypass the palate in search of an anesthetic—a way to lessen the pain they experience from moment to moment. Life is difficult. We are aware of this, but life is to be lived—to be experienced fully from moment to moment, good and bad. Is this not why you have chosen this life? So many do not realize this truth—that you have chosen the very circumstances in which you find yourself … your body, your family, your trials and joys … in order to find the very truth of existence.

“In vino veritas” is a lie when seen in this way, for with too much wine—what you call a liquid “spirit”—you do close the door to discovering yourself as a veritable spirit here and now—a spirit waiting to be set free from the confines which you have placed around it. Yes, imbibe. Yes, celebrate your year’s end and the other milestones by which you measure the passage of moments on your earthly plane, but celebrate with a clear mind the birthless-deathless spirit you are in every moment.


  1. Wow...another powerful message this morning. Awaken to the knowledge that we have chosen this physical lifetime to learn and grow. Appreciate the challenges.

    On to "celebrating truth" in the final moments of 2010 as we give thanks for All That Is...

  2. Embrace the New Year with a clear vision of who you are and what you desire....

    "Celebrate the Truth".
