Who is Sanaya? Suzanne Giesemann answers:

Who is Sanaya? Suzanne Giesemann answers: "Sanaya (pronounced "sah-NIGH-ah") has told us that she is a collective consciousness of minds with both a feminine and masculine energy. This energy comes from a higher dimension than our own. When I bring through Sanaya's words, I am "tapping in" to Higher Consciousness. I am allowing that Consciousness to express itself through my body: through my brain, through my vocal cords, my arms, my hands, and also through my pen. Sanaya would not need a name, except for our human need to put labels on things and place our experiences into well-defined boxes. Sanaya takes us outside the box into a dimension where we come face to face with our higher selves. To hear the words of Sanaya as they come through ... to sit in the presence of that energy ... is a palpable experience of higher vibration ... of love. To read Sanaya's words can have the same result when you tune in to that finer energy as you read." (To read the full explanation of who and what Sanaya is along with transcripts of longer sessions click here.)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

What Ails You?

You get a diagnosis followed by a prognosis. This comes from one you respect, and so you believe it. Is not the other human, just as you are? You put your full faith in them because you see and hear them. They have a special education. You may not. Regardless, regard them not as God. Yes, you are all facets of God, but whilst wearing your human suits you can and oft do have Self-limiting thoughts. Has the one making the diagnosis and providing the prognosis tuned in to Spirit? Have you? Have you any idea how powerful is this aspect of yourself? This aspect of yourself never ails and never fails.

If you were able to set aside your human beliefs, you would not ail at all. Fully knowing yourself as a spirit-being, you can create so-called miracles. Be wary of the pronouncement of humans who do not know the truths of the Spirit. Work in concert with Spirit to cure all ills.


  1. I couldn't agree more. May I save this for future use with clients, as it is so beautifully written?

  2. Share at will -- that's why they share with us!

  3. Thank you, Sanaya! I am continuing to send loving energy to my friend now and after she receives the results. I BELIEVE that my love and others will help heal her.
